In this keynote presentation from the 2022 United States Deprescribing Research Network Annual Meeting, Dr. Barbara Farrell describes her early deprescribing efforts at Bruyère Continuing Care 20+ years ago, through to the development and implementation of deprescribing guidelines, and features how her experiences in the Geriatric Day Hospital have influenced her research.
In this webinar, produced in collaboration with The College of Family Physicians of Canada, Dr. Barbara Farrell shares her experiences with managing polypharmacy and deprescribing in the Bruyère Geriatric Day Hospital.
After watching this webinar, viewers will be able to:
- Identify medications that may be contributing to cognitive impairment, falls and other common problems in older people
- Describe strategies for deprescribing and monitoring for impact
- Identify available resources to facilitate deprescribing decision-making
In this webinar, Dr. Barbara Farrell highlights common elements of the deprescribing process and demonstrates approaches to engaging patients through shared decision-making.
After watching this webinar, viewers will be able to:
- Describe common steps for deprescribing
- Use shared decision-making approaches for deprescribing discussions with patients
In this webinar, Dr. Lisa McCarthy and Dr. Clara Korenvain highlight research that explores how pharmacists practicing in community settings can embrace their roles as key partners in deprescribing as one strategy for tackling the global problem of medication-related harm.
After watching this webinar, viewers will be able to:
- Describe lessons learned from two research initiatives exploring strategies for deprescribing in Canadian community pharmacies.
- Highlight strategies that can be used by pharmacy teams to partner with their patients and local health providers to champion deprescribing in their communities
In this webinar, Dr. Jadon Webb discusses how major depression can be difficult to treat, and how clinicians can sometimes feel constrained in choices of how to treat it (i.e. medications vs talk therapy). Dr. Webb also explores other modalities with strong supporting evidence, and suggest how these can be integrated into a deprescribing decision tree.
After watching this webinar, viewers will be able to:
- Identify the most evidence-based non-pharmacological supports for depression
- Identify ways to integrate non-pharmacological supports into clinical decision trees for treating depression
In this webinar, pharmacists Amanda Wolfe and Sally Tierney from Bruyère Continuing Care present a deep dive on the issue of medication management for residents. This webinar explores defining a palliative approach, identifying patients who may benefit, steps to conducting a medication review, and early opportunities for medication reassessment.
After watching this webinar, viewers will be able to:
- Define an early palliative care approach to med management
- Be better equipped to identify patient in long-term care who may benefit from an early palliative approach to care
- Describe examples of potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly and recognize preventative vs. symptom-management medications
- List the 5 steps of a palliative approach medication review
- Identify early opportunities for medication reassessment
- Apply an early palliative approach to care and medication management to a patient case