Deintensifying Diabetes Management for Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care

Over 25% of older adults living in long-term care (LTC) have diabetes. In Ontario, more than half of LTC residents with diabetes are treated too strictly (i.e. A1c < 7%). This puts residents at risk for harms like low blood sugar and its consequences (e.g., falls, fractures, cognition problems, and hospitalizations).

There is a need to deintensify the care of LTC residents with diabetes by stopping or reducing diabetes medications, decreasing how often we monitor blood sugar and relaxing dietary restrictions.

Over 4 years, we will undertake the DIAL study, a multi-phase project that aims to develop and evaluate a diabetes deintensification intervention in partnership with LTC residents, caregivers, LTC front-line personnel, and health care providers.

Leads: Dr. Lisa McCarthy, Dr. Wade Thompson, Dr. Iliana Lega
Funder (2023-2027): Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)