
Deprescribing research is of international interest due to harms from polypharmacy. Many priorities for deprescribing guidelines have been identified, and research is underway to develop new guidelines and examine uptake and effect on health outcomes. Below are descriptions of work that the team has been involved in.

Deprescribing guidelines – Tools for implementation

Deprescribing can be challenging. The Bruyère and Ontario Pharmacy Evidence Network’s “Deprescribing Guidelines for the Elderly” project developed guidelines and decision-support tools in the form of algorithms. New knowledge translation tools supported by this grant...

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Creating Evidence-based Deprescribing Guidelines

Prescribers have said that it’s difficult to stop medications when prescribing guidelines only talk about starting them. The “Deprescribing Guidelines for the Elderly” project developed evidence-based deprescribing guidelines to support clinicians in safely reducing...

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